What is a Smorgaschord?
[ smorgaschord \'smOr-gas-kord\ n. 1: a variety of tones and rhythms spread out on a buffet table; 2: a group of entertaining singers of a-cappella music who enjoy a wide range of styles and can often be found near a buffet table. ]
Bill Anderson, Harold Zable, Patti Schank, Mia Whitfield, Alexandra Langston, and Larry Hamel.
What Others are Saying
I really enjoyed your group - you were all spectacular! - Cathy "a fan" Foxhoven, Burlingame on the Avenue Coordinator
"Thank you for the fabulous performance last night. I heard rave reviews from everyone that I spoke to. Hopefully we can coordinate some dates for the event next year." - Michele, Mountain View Thursday Night Live